Chloe // UNI Senior

Chloe and I met during my sophomore year in Rider Hall at the University of Northern Iowa. As I have noticed Chloe all over campus, I have observed that she has truly taken advantage of her educational career at the University of Northern Iowa, participating in PSE Business Organization, Student Admissions Ambassadors, various UNI Outdoors to the Appalachian and Grand Canyon, and working as a Pair in Rider Hall for one year and an RA in Bender Hall for two years. She has also studied abroad FIVE different times during her years at UNI, two of them with Camp Adventure! 

This UNI-themed photoshoot was planned to be able to encompass the memories made during her time at UNI, as she soon leaves for student teaching next fall. Thanks Chloe for an amazing mini-session, and for reminding me of all the great opportunities that UNI has to offer!